Saturday, March 28, 2009

Of paper talisman and rainbows

Star-shaped sugar cookies! Me like! *Nom*

Mom's colourful laundry

Sights of congested traffic along all highways suggested that the annual "Cheng Beng" is just around the corner as people are rushing either back to their hometowns or for preparations.

*Cheng Beng清明节- Celebration of tomb sweeping day, Its name denotes a time for people to go outside and enjoy the greenery of springtime (踏青 Tàqīng, "treading on the greenery"), and also to tend to the graves of departed ones. -source from Wikipedia

I sighed as I watched the my family going through the list-to-do. I'm not going to my ancestors grave this "Cheng Beng", again. Well the best I can do is to write down the names of my great great great grandpa and grandma and aunty and uncle *inhales* and their sons their daughters on the paper offerings.

Things are going well except for some minor obstructions when my dog made the papers as her chew toy.

I am sad that I can't go back to my hometown in Kedah, of course besides not being able to honour, pray and giving offerings for my ancestors, I'll won't be seeing my uncles and aunts as well.

You see, for me (and perhaps for most of the people) Cheng Beng is not just a ceremony to pray and clean the graves of the ancestorsand giving thanks to the forefathers, it is also a time when families gather and meet up, perhaps enjoy quality time.

Hope to travel back there next year.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Work in progress

Lately been working on my latest final project on Cartoon Character Design. So far I'm pretty satisfied with my progress. Sneak peeks of my progress.

Sillouette views

Protagonist character

Protagonist character view 2

Antagonist character initial sketch

Antagonist character orthography

Antagonist creature sketch

We were required to create a battle scene for our characters, I'm doing it in CG so wish me luck and hope it comes out nice.

It's a miracle!!

Few days ago I bought a concealer from definit'e (tm), it costs RM143 for that small little dish.

definit'e(TM) studio touch corrector

But the results are amazing!! (note: below is me myself)

Its like me-tiredness(fatigue)= tadaa!! Now I don't scare kids anymore. ^^

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ni Hao


Hello ! I'm Esther and nice to meet you. Welcome to my newly created blog, be free to look around or maybe chew my pages *nom!*

I'm a student from the The One Academy and currently pursuing my diploma in Digital Animation. May I rest in peace.

Below is a line animation done recently by me, yes, its not that top notch but I'm working on my skills.

Everyone was kinda "dulan" (pissed off) when animating Poncho, so most of us ended up killing (or hurting) Poncho, mine is one of those which didn't ended up in gore and blood (o.O;;).

In tribute to Poncho who is selfless to offer his body for the sake of 2D animation.