Monday, May 11, 2009

First lesson

Well, today was the first day. Not bad. Late for 15 minutes. Luckily my kind lecturer excused me, thank you a lot lah Mr. David >.<

My first lesson today kan, other than photography is how to avoid being scammed through a phone call. Yep, you heard it, taught none other than my sifu Jacklyn.

You must respect her lah that orang gila, fuyoh.

First lesson:

Have you ever recieved a phone call telling that you have won blah blah blah just because your phone number was chosen, or any kind of "sudden winning". Seems unimagined right, suddenly got durian runtuh. But those are just probably scams people use these days.

So, how do we deal with it? Below are simple steps for you to follow. Observe.

Situation 1

A: Hello, Cik. Tanniah kerana nombor kamu telah dipilih sebagai pemenang.
Hello, Miss. Your phone number has been chosen as a winner.

You: Er......hello?

A: Ya, kamu telah memenangi sebuah Astro, free-of-charge! Pasang pun free.
You have won yourself an Astro package for absoulutely free! There is a free installation too!

(Thus you should reply) tau tak? I BAAAN........YAK benci Astro tau??!! TV3 tak cukup ah?? You jaga lah!! Saya tau mana kamu sekarang!! Saya akan kasi BUUU....NUH kamu! You jaga malam ini, JAAN......GAN pandang belakang tau??!!
You know ar? I REEEAAA......LLLLYYY hate Astro you know??!! Got TV3 not enough ar?? You be careful!! I know where are you now!! I will MUUURRR......DER you! You be careful tonight, DOOON'T ever look behind you back you know??!!

A: ................

You: You tau tak? Jika rumah saya pasang Astro, saya tak mau balik rumah! Saya akan kasi bakar semua! Eh!! Saya belum cakap habis lagi!!
You know arr? I will not go back my hoise if my house got Astro! I will burn them all! Oi! I haven't say finish leh!!

Situation 2 (LOL)

A: Selamat petang encik.
Good evening Sir.

You: Halo?

A: Encik telah memenangi wang sebanyak 200 ribu! Tanniah!
You have won 200 thousand worth of money! Congratulations!

You:.........You tau tak?? Saya BAAAAN.............NYAK benci duit tau? Jika saya nak makan, saya kasi rompak!! Jika saya nak dompet, saya kasi rompak juga, duit bagi balik!! You jaga you!! Saya akan kasi BUUUN......NUH awak!! Masa makan nanti, you jaga masa you makan fish ball nanti!! know ar?? I REEEEAAAAA.....LLYY hate money you know??! If I want food, I will go rob!! If I want a purse, I will go rob also but I will give back money!! You be careful!! I will MMMMUUUURRR.......DER you!! You be carefull when you eating fish ball later!!

A: .......................

You: You tau tak? Jika ada orang kat rumah saya pergi kerja bawak duit balik, saya kasi BBBAAAAA.....KAR semua!! Oi Oi !! Saya belum cakap habis lagi oi!!
You know ar? If anyone in my family go work and bring money back, I will BBUUUU....RN them all!! Oi Oi!! I haven't finish talking yet!!

So, boys and girls, now you know what to do right? All thanks to our siao Jacklyn. ^^


*sigh* I felt like it was just yesterday when I created the last blog, and guess what? My new semester is commencing today!!

Crap! Its too fast, I've haven't even started planning for my holidays yet. ToT

Monday, May 4, 2009


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What? Its the holidays mah......